Seeds of Hope is a collection of NFTs, created by HopeCollective, a group of independent artists United by the purpose of creating a better, healthier and fairer world
Each seed contains a DNA with attributes that represent the Seven Foundations of Hope: Courage, Health, Fortitude, Truth, Clarity, Empathy and Care. .
For example, the presence of flowers represents Care, and only very few will express Purple flowers, the rarest of colors and Pancan’s official color. Each attribute has a rarity score that determines the chance of being expressed as the seed germinates.
Your Seed of Hope represents the growing hope for finding a cure against Pancreatic Cancer.
At minting, your Seed will grow to Level One - The Start of Hope. As more and more NFTs are sold in support for PanCan, each NFT will level up and grow into a larger plant - expressing Fortitude as it reaches new strength.
Product Evolution
Initial Pre-Sale at an undisclosed location
First 1000 NFTs are made available to the PanCan Community
Full 10,000 NFT collection is available
With the power of Collective Hope, NFTs will grow into larger plants and reach additional Levels certain amounts of support for PanCan are reached. We will disclose additional details in our Discord Channel closer to public launch.
HopeCollective is a group of independent artists United by the purpose of creating a better, healthier and fairer world
Harlem, New York
Manhattan, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Brooklyn, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, America’s leading non profit organization dedicated to winning the fight against Pancreatic Cancer
HopeCollective is a group of independent artists United by the purpose of creating a better, healthier and fairer world.
“We are thrilled to partner with the Hope Collective to create a new, modern and creative form of engagement with our Donors and supporters.” said Julie Fleischman, CEO of PanCan “The fight against Pancreatic Cancer requires us to be creative in finding modern and novel ways to fight the disease, and to raise awareness and create hope for the thousands that are diagnosed with the disease every year.”
More About PanCan